And Then There Were (Nearly) Three.
It doesn’t seem like that long ago that I was here in this same house, nervous with camera in hand, photographing these folks, my friends, my family. David and Trish were getting married then, speaking their heartfelt vows to one another.
Then along came Lila…
then Lucas.
Suddenly, we find ourselves all with families–wonderful, beautiful healthy children–gathering together at David’s parent’s house, celebrating the imminent arrival of Christie Baby #3.
It is astonishing how quickly we hurtle through our lives, everything accelerating to a ludicrous breakneck pace at the very moment we want everything to freeze, every precious detail distilled into one neverending moment.
I am so thankful to be able to bear witness to these occasions that mark significance in our lives, and I am so incredibly thankful for our families and our children, who flourish and continue to surprise and amaze us in new ways every day.
pat on Feb 10, 2014 at 6:53 pm
This is a beautiful time line album!