Blog Archives

Lions and Tigers and… Bobcats, Oh My!

January 13, 2013 | No comments yet

Did you know that there are more pet tigers in the United States than there are left in the wild? I didn’t, either. I learned this and many other startling facts at North Carolina’s Carolina Tiger Rescue, a sanctuary for mistreated, abandoned, and otherwise displaced exotic cats. It’s illegal to own a Bobcat or squirrel […]


January 12, 2013 | No comments yet

It was unusually foggy yesterday afternoon and this morning, so I took the opportunity to get some ethereal photographs of the weather.

Photographing Things the Wrong Way

January 8, 2013 | No comments yet

There are some rules, written and unwritten, about photography. Longer focal lengths and wide apertures are for portraits, wide angles and small apertures are for landscapes. There are reasons for these rules, of course–with portraits you want to emphasize your subject and remove distraction, and with landscapes you want everything in focus and often want […]

Zen and the Art of Gear Selections

January 6, 2013 | No comments yet

If you are like me, and most photographers I know who have been shooting for a couple of years, you’ve probably started accumulating some gear. Maybe you are smart or never suffer from Gear Aquisition Syndrome, but most serious folks I know have a decent–and weighty–collection. If you are at all like me, you like […]

A New Year and New Beginnings

January 1, 2013 | No comments yet

I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions, or even stay up to midnight, for that matter. Last night, I stayed up watching Beetle Juice and drinking some Beaujolais Nouveau, but only made it to about 10:30 before I called it a night. Still, this year is a little different. At the end of this […]

Bull Durham

December 12, 2012 | No comments yet

I have been meaning to do a panorama like this for a long time, but had been waiting for the right combination of weather. I wasn’t waiting for this particular weather, exactly, but I like the results. With our modern digital tools, making an image like this, which is actually 7 or 8 vertical frames […]

Not Everything Needs to be “Beautiful”

December 11, 2012 | No comments yet

The wintertime is a favorite time for me to photograph. You have to dig a little deeper, you have to work a little harder. The days are short, the nights long. In North Carolina, the heat and humidity are gone and I feel like I can breathe, that I can move around comfortably. The colors […]

Photographers Persist

November 27, 2012 | One comment

Also, photographers are (generally) patient. I read a great little article by Thom Hogan recently, in which he explained that landscape photographers are data collectors as much as they are photographers, and that lots of observations over days or weeks or months lead to the great photos that they create. There is always chance and […]

Scott + Noelle – Simply Love

November 20, 2012 | No comments yet

It is no secret that I am a big fan of the cooler months in North Carolina. Starting in late September or early October, I start to feel like I can venture outside again without being oppressed by humidity or eaten by mosquitoes. So it’s no surprise that I had a great time venturing out […]

Jemmel, Sherisa, and the Bump

November 16, 2012 | No comments yet

  Jemmel, Sherisa and I have been trying hard to make this shoot happen, since time is running out before the baby arrives. Fortunately, we found some time and got some photos of a glowing mother and father-to-be!
