Snapshots of the West Coast

Cape Flattery

Every trip I take, I make a point to use my cameraphone as well as the DSLRs or whatever other, more “professional” camera I have with me. I’ve made my position on using whatever camera you have at your disposal pretty clear elsewhere in my blog, so I’ll stay off the soapbox here, and instead just choose some selected images from my recent trip to the Pacific Northwest. Some were taken because my phone was the only camera within reach, some for expediency, some because it was the most appropriate tool at the time, given the circumstances.

Most of the time, because it’s fun and because I don’t think a photograph is any less special because it’s not technically perfect.

These aren’t in any particular order…

Yolo Hills

Quick Breakfast

Under the Bridge

Shasta Love





Grunge Skyline


Amanda at Voodoo

Lake Crescent

The Neighbors



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